Tae-Kwon-do’s Grand-finale



I am grateful to of had the opportunity to teach Tae kwon-do to the children of Black Rhino Academy. It was very rewarding to watch them grow, learn and become more confident in themselves.

I am very happy to have also taught some of the staff, it’s great to know that the children will continue to learn in the future, to develop their physical, social, education and character development

Thank you to Black Rhino for allowing me to come and entrusting me to teach.

Tae-Kwon-Do helps children to boost their self esteem, gives them better self discipline and better control, it helps them in social situations, keep them active and improves their physical fitness.

Black Rhino Academy Tae-Kwon- do’s Grand-finale was a great display where children demonstrated their martial arts skills learned throughout the term.

They were so excited to perform, showing the mastery of some skills that have helped them to become more confident, develop self discipline and control, physical fitness and respect for others around us.

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