The World International Career Day

The World International Career day at Black Rhino was a fun day for teachers, students and all the professionals who joined us for the day. A number of professionals joined us to share information about their workplace, there job and the education and skills that are required for success in their career.

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Science Fair

Our science fair which was a part of the United Nations International Science Week, encouraged our students to think like young scientists! Each class presented different science projects being worked on throughout our science week.

This year, teachers and parents helped us celebrate the different skills within our fantastic projects, of which so much learning and fun took place.

At the end of our presentations we had science school house quiz, where students worked with their house teams to compete and earn house points, SHARKS were this years Science Quiz Champions.

Congratulations to all staff, children and other members of the school community to help make this fantastic event happen.

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2022/23 Opening Certificates

We are very proud to celebrate our pupil’s successes at Black Rhino and what a great start of the year for these pupils. Congratulations to all!

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Dear teachers, without your guidance and wisdom, our school would not be where it is now! Happy Teacher’s Day to you all! Your wisdom, dedication, and kindness will always lead us on the right path and inspire our children to be better human beings.

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Welcome to the 2022/23 School year

Welcome back to all at Black Rhino, which promises to be an excellent school year!

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Edward, our new PE and geography teacher, Ms. Lightness, our new year 5 teacher and head of English and Ms Rehema, our new year 2 teacher. There have also been some significant staff movements within the school. Ms. Syulwa, who has moved from Early Year to year 1; Ms. Juliana, who has become our school art teacher and early years; and Mr. Silas has become the year 3 teacher.

We are very proud to announce that Ms. Lister has been promoted to the School Deputy Head, which she will do alongside leading Year 6. We wish all our new staff the best of luck and welcome to our family! We wish Silas, Syulwa, and Julianna all the best in their new role, and we are sure Ms. Lister will thrive in her new position.

It is an exciting year for the school and year 6, who take our school's first CheckPoint exams, with the dates to be confirmed. This class will also rely on specialist teachers rather than one class teacher.

You may hear your child talking about their reading Band or Colour or the word Jolly Phonics; this is because this year we are starting our new reading programme, which is called Cambridge adventures and Jolly Phonics. We also brought a geography programme to boost our geography and general knowledge. 

We have built a lovely new boarding house, and our new netball court is now ready for use, adding to our already excellent facilities. We have increased our number of library books, both nonfiction and fiction. We have also brought class reading books for the classrooms. This year we are introducing house groups, which will be called Sharks (blue), Leopards (yellow), Pythons (red) and Eagles (green). These houses will be used throughout the school year for various events.

You can be assured that as Headteacher, I will strive to create the best education for your child/children whilst they are members of our school family. I look forward to hosting some meetings in the coming weeks with all classes. Thank you for your continued support. 

Yours faithfully,

 Mr. Paul Horstead

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