Stages and Classes at Black Rhino

Black Rhino Academy is a  proud and successful school with enormous opportunities for our pupils to progress in a happy and safe environment, achieved with outstanding, knowledgeable, fun, and caring teachers to deliver our exciting curriculum. We aim to have a balanced, broad, and exciting curriculum that takes children on a fun learning journey, allowing them to be interested in different subjects and approaches to studying.   

Children’s interests are taken into account to allow us to deliver meaningful learning experiences with a big focus on discussing, debating, and drawing our own conclusions. Rich texts are used for English teaching and woven into our topic areas.  We firmly believe that all children have the right to a curriculum that is varied and engaging and allows them to explore interests and develop a love of a subject, leading to subjects to study in more detail in secondary school and specializing at university.


Teachers at Black rhino Academy set high expectations for every student; they plan challenging work for students whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard and plan accessible lessons for students who have low levels of prior attainment or have identified additional educational needs.

Pupils are given opportunities to continue developing skills while developing more independence, responsibility, and a sense of right and wrong. While the building blocks of Key Stage 1 and 2 are English, Maths and Science (the ‘core’ subjects), a broad and balanced curriculum is provided with a global perspective, history, geography, Languages(Swahili and French), music, art, and sport playing crucial roles in developing the whole child.

We encourage all students to develop their individual talents to the full whilst at Black rhino Academy and to aspire to excellence in all they undertake; we strongly believe in a holistic approach to learning where the emphasis is placed on academics, as of the first term their learning is centered on the following subject units in the respective class.